Model Diagnostics and Results Reporting
By the end of this module, you will be able to
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Check your learning: Homoscedasticity means
Note: E(Y) can also be written as ˆY, the predicted value of Y based on the predictor values.
The linear model is also flexible as it can allow predictors that are curvillinear terms, such as Y=b0+b1X1+b2X21, or Y=b0+b1log(X1), or more generally Y=b0+p∑ibif(x1,x2,…) The “linear” part in a linear model actually means that Y is a linear function of the coefficients b1,b2,….
The second functional form in the slide, however, is a truly nonlinear function.
Check your learning: Which of the following is NOT a linear model?
Check your learning: What is implied when the model specifies that the variance of u0j is τ20?
Check your learning: What does “I” stand for?
Check your learning: What is shown in a marginal model plot?
Check your learning: Which assumption(s) are likely violated in the following plot?
function from