Week 11

Prediction in MLM

Week Learning Objectives

By the end of this module, you will be able to

Task Lists

  1. Review the resources (lecture videos and slides)
  2. Complete the assigned readings
  3. Attend the Thursday session and participate in the class exercise
  4. Post progress of your project to the Discussion Board on Blackboard for peer review



Note that in some of the videos below the Bayeisan analyses were used; however, for the class this year we will stay with frequentist analyses. The results and interpretations are basically; just note some differences in the terminology.

You can view and download the slides here: PDF

Predictive Models in MLM

Think more: Think about a prominent theory in your area of research. What predictions does it make? Does it give precise predictions?


Check your learning: In a multilevel model with students nested within schools and with student math achievement as the outcome variable, what is a cluster-specific prediction?

Prediction Error

Some information has been updated since the video was recorded. Check out the updated slides


Check your learning: Which of the following growth curve model would show the largest degree of overfitting, given a sample of 15 participants across 5 time points?

Out-Of-Sample Prediction Errors

Check your learning: Why shouldn’t we just choose a model with the lowest in-sample prediction error?

Cross Validation

Check your learning: Why does cross-validation, compared to in-sample MSE, give a better estimate of the out-of-sample prediction error?

Information Criterion

Check your learning: Which of the following two models are nested?

M1: mathach ~ meanses + ses_cmc + sector + (1 | ID)

M2: mathach ~ sector + (1 | ID)

M3: mathach ~ meanses + sector + (ses_cmc | ID)

Model Comparison

Check your learning: Which of the following model is the best based on AIC?

M1: mAIC = 1203, cAIC = 1037

M2: mAIC = 1202, cAIC = 1000

M3: mAIC = 1210, cAIC = 1055